Hemingway Scale of Adolescent Connectedness

Hemingway Scale of Adolescent Connectedness
مقیاس ارتباط نوجوانان
مقیاس همینگوی
This survey‚ available in both 78- and 57-item versions‚ is designed to measure youth “connectedness” to five core domains: family‚ friends‚ school‚ peers‚ and self in the future. This concept of “connectedness” is based not on youth perceptions of how well they are connected to others (“My teacher likes me”) but rather on their outward expression of positive feelings and the seeking of support from people and places (“I often turn to my teacher for support”). This way of looking at connectedness emphasizes the reciprocal nature of human connections‚ making the Hemingway a very useful tool for any program wanting to know if their mentors are helping youth become more engaged with their world.
There are 15 subscales that focus on everything from connectedness to reading to connectedness to neighborhood.
This tool touches on the following keywords:
·         School and Academics
·         Peer Relationships
·         Goals and Future
·         Family Relationships
·         Connectedness
The short and long versions of the Hemingway Scale‚ available in English‚ Spanish‚ French‚ and Chinese‚ can be found online at: http://adolescentconnectedness.com .
The complete manual on how to administer the Hemingway can be downloaded at:
http://adolescentconnectedness.com/media/HemManual2006.pdf .
The Hemingway is free to download and use‚ although the author asks that you send him an anonymous data set (with youth identifiers removed) so that he can continue his research on its use: Dr. Michael Karcher – University of Texas – San AntonioMichael.Karcher@utsa.edu
The main version is suitable for grades 6-12. Another version for college-age students is also available. A version for children is also available in the full manual.
Pencil and paper self-report (Scantron format for fast scoring). Items are scored on a 5-point scale (“Not at all true” to “Very true”). 13 items require reverse scoring (9 in the short version). The full Hemingway manual included details scoring instructions and even provides SPSS syntax.
Dr. Michael Karcher – University of Texas – San Antonio 
Please use this survey to tell us about yourself. Read each statement. CIRCLE the numberthat best describes how true that statement is for you or how much you agree with it. If statement is unclear to you‚ ask for an explanation. If it still unclear‚ put a “?".
“How TRUE about you is each sentence?" Not at all1 Not really2 Sort of true3 True4 Very true5true
(1) I like hanging out around where I live (like my neighborhood).
(2) Spending time with friends is not so important to me.
(3) I can name 5 things that my friends like about me.
(4) My family has fun together.
(5) I have a lot of fun with my brother(s) or sister(s).
(leave blank if you have none.)
(6) I work hard at school.
(7) My classmates often bother me.
(8) I care what my teachers think of me.
(9) I will have a good future.
(10) I enjoy spending time by myself reading.
 (11) I spend a lot of time with kids around where I live.
(12) I have friends I'm really close to and trust completely.
(13) There is not much that is unique or special about me.
(14) It is important that my parents trust me.
(15) I feel close to my brother(s) or sister(s).
(leave blank if you have none.)
(16) I enjoy being at school.
(17) I like pretty much all of the other kids in my grade.
(18) I do not get along with some of my teachers.
(19) Doing well in school will help me in the future.
(20) I like to read.
(21) I get along with the kids in my neighborhood.
(22) Spending time with my friends is a big part of my life.
(23) I can name 3 things that other kids like about me.
(24) I enjoy spending time with my parents.
(25) I enjoy spending time with my brothers/sisters.
(leave blank if you have none.)
(26) I get bored in school a lot.
(27) I like working with my classmates.
(28) I want to be respected by my teachers.
(29) I do things outside of school to prepare for my future.
(30) I never read books in my free time.
(31) I often spend time playing or doing things in my neighborhood.
(32) My friends and I talk openly with each other about personal things.
(33) I really like who I am.
(34) My parents and I disagree about many things.
(35) I try to spend time with my brothers/sisters when I can.
(36) I do well in school.
(37) I get along well with the other students in my classes.
(38) I try to get along with my teachers.
(39) I do lots of things in school to prepare for my future.
(40) I often read when I have free time.
(41) I hang out a lot with kids in my neighborhood.
(42) I spend as much time as I can with my friends.
(43) I have special hobbies‚ skills‚ or talents.
(44) My parents and I get along well.
(45) I try to avoid being around my brother/sister(s).
(46) I feel good about myself when I am at school.
(47) I am liked by my classmates.
(48) I always try hard to earn my teachers’ trust.
 (49) I think about my future often.
(50) I usually like my teachers.
(51) My neighborhood is boring.
(52) My friends and I spend a lot of time talking about things.
(53) I have unique interests or skills that make me interesting.
(54) I care about my parents very much.
(55) What I do now will not affect my future.
(56) Doing well in school is important to me.
(57) I rarely fight or argue with the other kids at school.
(Leave mother or father blank if deceased. If living with a relative/guardian‚ answer using mother ?s)
 (58) I enjoy spending time with my father.
(59) I enjoy spending time with my mother.
(60) I like getting to know kids from other cultural or racial groups.
(61) I spend a lot of time with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
(62) My religion is very important to me.
(63) My mother and I are pretty close.
(64) My father and I are pretty close.
(65) I would like to know more people from different cultural groups.
(66) I have a boyfriend/girlfriend who is very important to me.
(67) My father cares a lot about me.
(68) My mother cares a lot about me.
(69) I like getting to know people who are culturally different from me.
(70) I don’t really care about ha‎ving a boyfriend/girlfriend.
(71) I attend a religious service (like church) regularly.
(72) My father and I argue a lot.
(73) My mother and I argue a lot.
(74) I share my worries and concerns with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
(75) I am a religious or faithful person.
(76) I spend as much time as I can with a girlfriend/boyfriend.
(77) I talk with my mother about very personal things and my problems.
(78) I talk with my father about very personal things and my problems.
سایت روان سنجی : نام آزمون به "مقیاس ارتباطات نو جوانان برگردان شد. نام گذاری مقیاس به همینگوی، برپایه خاطرات پیشین "کارچر" است . آزمون دارای 15 عامل به شرح زیر است.
در متن ارائه شده توسط مولف آزمون ، دستورهای SPSS برای آنالیز داده شده است.
آزمون در نشانی زیر یافت شده است.
Reverse score items 2‚ 7‚ 13‚ 18‚ 26‚ 30‚ 34‚ 45‚ 51‚ 55‚ 64‚ 70‚ 71
Neighborhood (6 items)
Friends (6 items)
Self-in-the-present (6 items)
Parents (6 items)
Siblings (5 items)
School (6 items)
Peers (6 items)
Teachers (6 items)
Future (6 items)
Reading (4 items)
Kids from other cultures (3 items)
Religion (3 items)
Romantic partner (5 items)
Mother (5 items)
Father (5 items)
سایت روان سنجی : آزمون دارای فرم کوتاه نیز هست. برای آگاهی بیشتر از ویژگی های فرم کوتاه به نشانی هایی که در متن نخست داده شده است مراجعه کنید.
Please use this survey to tell us what you do and who you are. Read each statement. Circle the number that best describes how true that statement is for you. If a statement is unclear to you‚ ask for an explanation. Ifthe statement is still unclear or does not apply to you‚ circle the number and put a "?".
HOW TRUE about you is each sentence? Not true=1 ‚Sort of true=2 ‚True=3 ‚Very true=4
1. There are lots of things to do in my neighborhood
2. I get along with my parents.
3. I work hard at school.
4. I like almost all of the kids in my class.
5. I am good at reading.
6. My friends spend a lot of time together.
7. I like spending time with my parents.
8.  I try to get good grades in school.
9.  There are many kids at my school who I do not like.
10.  For fun I read on my own.
11. I can name several things that other kids really like about me.
12.  I want my parents to be proud of me.
13. I always do what my teachers tell me to do.
14. I get into fights with other kids.
15. I read for fun when I have free time.
16. I like to spend time with my friends.
17. I play with my brothers (or sisters) a lot.
(Leave blank if only child)
18. I feel good about myself at school.
19. I have a hard time paying attention in math class.
20. I have fun with the other kids in my classes.
21. I play a lot in my neighborhood.
22. I don't like my brothers or sisters.
(Leave blank if you have none)
23. I always do what my teachers tell me to do.
24. I always get bored in school.
25. I love to read.
26. I am lonely in my neighborhood.
27. My teachers like the kind of kid I am.
28. I really like my teachers.
29. I never get in trouble at school.
30. I trust my friends.
31. My sisters (or brothers) are fun to be with.
(Leave blank if you have none)
32. I like school.
33. I can't sit still in class.
34. My friends and I argue too much.
35. My parents are always proud of me.
36. School is a fun place.
37. I get along with all of the kids in my classes.
38. I wish I did not get into so much trouble.
39. I like my neighborhood.
40. I like spending time with my classmates.
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
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اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
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اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
سپاس بیکران به حضور دکتر علی اکبر سیف که هر دانش آموخته این حوزه از کتاب های او بی نیاز نبوده است .
کلیه حقوق به آرین آرانی متعلق است.