California Healthy Kids Survey
School Connectedness (1 = not at all true‚ 4 = very much true)
1. I feel close to the people at this school.
2. I am happy to be at this school.
3. I feel like I am part of this school.
4. Teachers treat students fairly.
5. I feel safe in my school.
School Assets (1 = strongly disagree‚ 5 = strongly agree)
6. At my school there is a teacher or adult whoreally cares about me.
7. At my school there is a teacher or adult whotells me when I do a good job.
8. At my school there is a teacher or adult whonotices when I’m not there.
9. At my school there is a teacher or adult whowants me to do my best.
10. At my school there is a teacher or adult wholistens to me when I have something to say.
11. At my school there is a teacher or adult whobelieves I will be a success
12. At school who expects me to follow the rules.
13. At school I do interesting activities .
14. At school I help decide things like class activities or rules
15. At school I do things at school that make a difference
16. I do things that help other people.
17. I am involved in sports‚ clubs‚ or other extra-curricular activities. (Such as band‚
17. cheerleading‚ student council etc.)
Internal Assets (1 = not at all true‚ 4 = very much true)
18. I have goals and plans for the future.
19. I plan to graduate from high school.
20. I plan to go to college after high school.
21. I know where to go for help with a problem.
22. I try to work out problems by talking/writing about them.
23. I can work out my problems.
24. I can do most things if I try.
25. I can work with someone whose has different opinions than mine.
26. There are many things that I do well.
27. I feel bad when someone gets their feelings hurt.
28. I try to understand what other people go through.
29. When I need help I find someone to talk with.
30. I enjoy working together with other students my age.
31. I stand up for myself without putting others down.
32. I try to understand how other people feel and think.
33. There is a purpose to my life.
34. I understand my moods and feelings.
35. I understand why I do what I do.
تارنمای روان سنجی : ابزار از مقاله زیر گرفته شده است. گویه هایی که در اینجا آورده شده است، بخش هایی از ابزار بررسی سلامتی کودکان کالیفرنیا است که به گونه مستمر گزارش های آن تولید و گزارش می شود.
University of California‚ Santa Barbara
Psychology in the Schools‚ Vol. 45(5)‚ 2008
Published online in Wiley InterScience (
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