Jung Tests I-E S-N F-T J-P

Jung Tests I-E S-N F-T J-P
Myers‚ Briggs‚ and Jung

آزمون شخصیت یونگ

Answer the questions below based on how you ACTUALLY behave/are most of the time
Very Inaccurate0 0 0 0 0 0 Very Accurate
1) My life's work is testing the limits of what's possible.
2) I am unhappy when not in a romantic relationship.
3) I am interested in the paranormal.
4) Money is important to me.
5) I tend to focus on the negative.
6) Sex is a little overrated.
7) Being relaxed is the foundation of my personality.
8) I would never cheat on my taxes.
9) I am supernatural.
10) Being devotedly considerate of others is my primary value.
11) I would be interested in doing research on plants or animals.
12) I think it's important that people think I'm awesome.
13) It is important to me to serve others.
14) I would be interested in studying in a scientific field.
15) I take risks.
16) I value being more attractive than others.
17) I often feel unhappy for no particular reason.
18) I would not be happy if I was poor.
19) I always keep things very chill.
20) Being optimistic tends to lead to disappointment.
21) I engage in experimental living.
22) I follow a system.
23) I would be interested in developing a new medical treatment or procedure.
24) I would be interested in studying the structure of the human body.
25) Adulthood is the best time of life.
26) I plan work to avoid rushing just before the deadline.
27) I take unfamiliar paths.
28) I don't want to have adult responsibilies.
29) I put a lot of effort into how I look.
30) I need others to assume some responsibility in areas of my life.
31) I am dependent on the support and nurturance of others.
32) I am very laid back.
33) I would be interested in directing a play.
34) I would be interested in an artistic career.
35) I work according to a routine.
36) I believe that life is about organization‚ and without it‚ life's a mess.
37) I like the band The Pixies.
38) I would be interested in writing a song.
39) I rely on others.
40) I would be interested in designing artwork for magazines.
41) I am very sexual.
42) I sometimes avoid living my life.
43) I don't ever want to grow up.
44) Finding true love is the main passion in my life.
45) Often it's not what I want; it's what others want that's more important to me.
46) Image is important to me.
47) I'm very mellow‚
48) I value social status.
49) I'm not comfortable with myself.
50) The most important thing for me is pushing beyond the boundaries of convention.
51) I am mystical.
52) There is nothing more important to me than doing things for others.
53) I would be interested in working in a scientific lab.
54) People have told me I'm too easy going.
55) It's not easy (or will not be easy) for me to sleep with some one.
56) I am a hopeless romantic.
57) I would not be happy if I had less money.
58) I would be interested in a career where I played a musical instrument.
59) I follow a schedule.
60) I spend all my time taking care of the needs of others.

Jung Typology Test
This free test is based on Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typological approach to personality *.
Upon completion of the questionnaire‚ you will:
Obtain your 4-letter type formula according to Carl Jung’s and Isabel Briggs Myers’ typology‚ along with the strengths of preferences and the description of your personality type
Discover careers and occupations most suitable for your personality type along with examples of educational institutions where you can get a relevant degree or training
See which famous personalities share your type
Be able to use the results of this test as an input into the Jung Marriage Test™ and the Demo of the Marriage Test™‚ to assess your compatibility with your long-term romantic partner
Instructions: When responding to the statements‚ of the two responses please choose the one you agree with most. If you are not sure how to answer‚ make your choice based on your most typical response or feeling in the given situation. To get a reliable result‚ please respond to all questions.
You are almost never late for your appointments
You like to be engaged in an active and fast-paced job
You enjoy ha‎ving a wide circle of acquaintances
You feel involved when watching TV soaps
You are usually the first to react to a sudden event‚ such as the telephone ringing or unexpected question
You are more interested in a general idea than in the details of its realization
You tend to be unbiased even if this might endanger your good relations with people
Strict observance of the established rules is likely to prevent a good outcome
It's difficult to get you excited
It is in your nature to assume responsibility
You often think about humankind and its destiny
You believe the best decision is one that can be easily changed
Objective criticism is always useful in any activity
You prefer to act immediately rather than speculate about various options
You trust reason rather than feelings
You are inclined to rely more on improvisation than on prior planning
You spend your leisure time actively socializing with a group of people‚ attending parties‚ shopping‚ etc.
You usually plan your actions in advance
Your actions are frequently influenced by emotions
You are a person somewhat reserved and distant in communication
You know how to put every minute of your time to good purpose
You readily help people while asking nothing in return
You often contemplate the complexity of life
After prolonged socializing you feel you need to get away and be alone
You often do jobs in a hurry
You easily see the general principle behind specific occurrences
You frequently and easily express your feelings and emotions
You find it difficult to speak loudly
You get bored if you have to read theoretical books
You tend to sympathize with other people
You value justice higher than mercy
You rapidly get involved in the social life of a new workplace
The more people with whom you speak‚ the better you feel
You tend to rely on your experience rather than on theoretical alternatives
As a rule‚ you proceed only when you have a clear and detailed plan
You easily empathize with the concerns of other people
You often prefer to read a book than go to a party
You enjoy being at the center of events in which other people are directly involved
You are more inclined to experiment than to follow familiar approaches
You avoid being bound by obligations
You are strongly touched by stories about people's troubles
Deadlines seem to you to be of relative‚ rather than absolute‚ importance
You prefer to isolate yourself from outside noises
It's essential for you to try things with your own hands
You think that almost everything can be analyzed
For you‚ no surprises is better than surprises - bad or good ones
You take pleasure in putting things in order
You feel at ease in a crowd
You have good control over your desires and temptations
You easily understand new theoretical principles
The process of searching for a solution is more important to you than the solution itself
You usually place yourself nearer to the side than in the center of a room
When solving a problem you would rather follow a familiar approach than seek a new one
You try to stand firmly by your principles
A thirst for adventure is close to your heart
You prefer meeting in small groups over interaction with lots of people
When considering a situation you pay more attention to the current situation and less to a possible sequence of events
When solving a problem you consider the rational approach to be the best
You find it difficult to talk about your feelings
You often spend time thinking of how things could be improved
Your decisions are based more on the feelings of a moment than on the thorough planning
You prefer to spend your leisure time alone or relaxing in a tranquil atmosphere
You feel more comfortable sticking to conventional ways
You are easily affected by strong emotions
You are always looking for opportunities
Your desk‚ workbench‚ etc. is usually neat and orderly
As a rule‚ current preoccupations worry you more than your future plans
You get pleasure from solitary walks
It is easy for you to communicate in social situations
You are consistent in your habits
You willingly involve yourself in matters which engage your sympathies
You easily perceive various ways in which events could develop

Jung personality test
Want to know how you deal with people‚ process information and make decisions? Are you an Extravert or Introvert psychological type? Take this free Jung personality test and find out what psychological type you are according to Jung types.

The Jung personality test answers the following questions:

What kind of personality do I have?
What are my Jung types?
How will my psychological type fit certain kinds of jobs?
The Jung personality test measures your preferences for dealing with and relating to people‚ processing information‚ making decisions and organizing your life. Its results give you a good overview of your personality and behavior. You can then see how your Jung types match up with a potential employer's requirements.

The Jung typology is the result of the work of Carl Gustav Jung‚ an eminent Swiss psychiatrist who originated Jungian Psychology. This is one of the world's most established and well respected models on personality and behavior. Tests using the Jung typology model are widely used by organizations for assessment centers‚ team building‚ coaching and personal development.

Additionally‚ there is the possibility to upgrade to a full report used by professionals.
The Jung personality test is made up of 60 choices. Choose the description that best describes you. You have to se‎lect one‚ even if neither seems to apply.
1. Would you prefer to read
a)    a fictional story or poem
b)    a news story
2. Do you find it more natural to remember
a)    numbers and figures
b)    faces and names
3. Do you more often tend to
a)    think through what you will say before speaking
b)    talk off the top of your head
4. Do you think that you tend to take things personally?
a)    yes
b)    no
5. If you're feeling stressed out‚ do you prefer to
a)    spend time alone
b)    blow off steam with friends
6. When deciding whether or not to purchase something‚ is the determining factor more often
a)    how much you really need it
b)    how much you really like it
7. In terms of promptness‚ are you usually
a)    early
b)    on time
c)    late
d)    it depends
8. Are you more prone to
a)    speak without thinking and put 'your foot in your mouth'
b)    miss an opportunity and later think "I should have said..."
9. Which term is more appealing to you?
a)    clarity
b)    harmony
10. Do you more frequently
a)    act spontaneously
b)    act deliberately‚ with a goal or plan in mind
11. If a decision is made which affects you‚ such as being made redundant‚ is it more important to you to know that
a)    you are appreciated
b)    you have been treated fairly
12. Do areas where you work tend to appear
a)    organized
b)    disorganized
13. Would you typically
a)    rather do something than think about doing it
b)    enjoy thinking about something almost as much or more than actually doing it
14. When communicating with others‚ are you more often
a)    frank and direct with little or no prompting
b)    frank and direct when prompted‚ or when necessary
15. Does it describe you better to say that you
a)    don't like surprises
b)    enjoy the excitement and spontaneity of surprises
16. Do you value more highly
a)    logic and reason
b)    compassion
17. Do you get more satisfaction from thinking about
a)    your plans
b)    your achievements
18. Do you
a)    enjoy watching the news or reading the paper most days
b)    have little interest in the news
19. When it comes to doing detailed‚ routine tasks‚ does it describe you better to say that you
a)    avoid doing them
b)    dislike doing them
c)    don't mind doing them
d)    enjoy doing them
20. In thinking about money‚ when it comes right down to it‚ do you believe that
a)    money provides security
b)    money is a means to enhancing your enjoyment of life
21. Do you find it more stimulating to
a)    spend time in one-on-one interaction
b)    interact with many at a large party
22. Are you better at
a)    initiating and planning a project
b)    following a project through to completion
23. When attending a party‚ do you usually
a)    get tired and leave early
b)    stay energetic and find yourself among the last to leave
24. Would people be more likely to describe you as
a)    not fussy enough
b)    too fussy
25. Are you more attracted to
a)    Sciences
b)    Humanities
26. When meeting someone new‚ do you tend to
a)    initiate the conversation
b)    wait for the other person to start talking
27. Are you more naturally
a)    tuned into the details of your environment
b)    unaware of the details of your environment
28. At work or when studying‚ do you feel that you are more effective and productive
a)    when working alone
b)    working with others in a team environment
29. When working on tasks‚ is it more important to you
a)    to see immediate results for your efforts
b)    to see future possibilities from your efforts
30. Is it more terrible to
a)    wear your emotions on your sleeve
b)    never cry in front of people
31. At meetings‚ or in other discussion groups‚ do you tend to
a)    speak up often
b)    hold back
32. When solving a problem‚ are you more likely to act according to
a)    what your instincts dictate
b)    what the known facts of the situation dictate
33. Do you more often
a)    freely express your opinions
b)    keep your opinions to yourself‚ unless you have a reason to express them
34. Are you
a)    good at finding solutions to practical problems
b)    impatient with practical concerns‚ which you tend to ignore
35. In general‚ do you believe that
a)    everything should be kept in its assigned place
b)    it's unnecessary to keep everything in its assigned place
36. Do you more often tend to
a)    put the needs of others before your own
b)    look after your own needs first
37. If you forgot to wear your watch one day‚ would you
a)    feel rather displaced and lost
b)    not notice too often that it's missing
c)    you don't wear a watch
38. Are you valued more for your
a)    practical outlook
b)    new way of looking at things
39. Do you think of yourself as
a)    easily approachable
b)    more reserved than most people
40. When judging a person or situation‚ do you feel that it's better to
a)    be impartial‚ fair and objective
b)    consider any extenuating circumstances and base your judgement on the individual case
41. Do you think it's a worse fault to be
a)    unable to deal with an issue and move on
b)    unable to see all sides of an issue
42. Do you typically
a)    know everything that's going on in your friends and family's lives
b)    get behind on what's going on
43. When discussing an issue with a friend‚ is it more important to you
a)    to reach an agreement on the issue
b)    to have a thorough‚ logical discussion of the issue
44. When performing an important task‚ do you tend to
a)    start early and finish with time to spare
b)    procrastinate and finish just in time
45. Do you
a)    have an excellent memory for details
b)    remember general concepts‚ without retaining specific details
46. Are you more interested in
a)    what is real
b)    what is possible
47. When you've said something that hurt someone's feelings‚ are you
a)    usually immediately aware of it
b)    often unaware that there is a problem until later
48. At parties‚ do you tend to
a)    spend time with people you know
b)    meet and converse with many people‚ who you may or may not know
49. Are you more often prone to
a)    make decisions too quickly
b)    be indecisive
50. When making plans‚ do you prefer to
a)    schedule things in advance
b)    leave things unscheduled and make plans at the last minute
51. Is it a worse fault to
a)    show too much warmth
b)    not show enough warmth
52. Which of these two sayings do you find more interesting?
a)    Seeing is believing
b)    I think‚ therefore I am
53. Do you prefer to
a)    concentrate on your current task
b)    fantasize about the future
54. When it comes to daily tasks‚ do you tend to
a)    have a system for getting things done which you generally follow
b)    take things as they come 
55. Is it more important to you
a)    to get things done and move on
b)    to leave your options open
56. If someone does something that bothers you‚ are you more likely to
a)    tell them that it bothers you
b)    not say anything
57. After making an important decision‚ are you more likely to
a)    consider the case closed
b)    revisit the decision again and again
58. If you receive criticism about something‚ are you more likely to
a)    become upset and react emotionally
b)    take the criticism pretty well and not react emotionally
59. Do you generally
a)    take things at face value
b)    read between the lines and look for underlying meaning
60. Do you think it's more important to understand
a)    the theory behind the solution to a problem
b)    the application of the steps which solve the problem

Personality Test

Answer the questions below based on how you ACTUALLY behave/are most of the time
Very Inaccurate0 0 0 0 0 0 Very Accurate
 1) Immigration should be controlled.
2) I follow a system.
3) I want to be a desirable someone that others must pay attention to.
4) I have an uncertain sense of self.
5) I tend to focus on the negative.
6) People shouldn't live in a country they don't want to integrate into.
7) I am entirely new idea driven.
8) I would be interested in directing a play.
9) I feel the most confident when I can be sexy.
10) My life's work is testing the limits of what's possible.
11) I would be interested in a career where I played a musical instrument.
12) I would be interested in developing a new medical treatment or procedure.
13) I always keep things very chill.
14) I'm very mellow.
15) I go to the doctor a lot.
16) I'm not comfortable with myself.
17) Being devotedly considerate of others is my primary value.
18) Often it's not what I want‚ it's what others want that's more important to me.
19) I think it's important that people think I'm awesome.
20) I like to be popular.
21) I'm known for pushing back on everything.
22) I operate mostly by instinct.
23) I would be interested in an artistic career.
24) I would be interested in studying the structure of the human body.
25) Loss of confidence in one's country is dangerous.
26) It is important to me to serve others.
27) I don't care much about politics.
28) After breakups I tend to be more physically active.
29) I promote calmness in any environment I'm in.
30) I would be interested in designing artwork for magazines.
31) My country's resources should only go to things that benefit my country.
32) I often feel unhappy for no particular reason.
33) The most important thing for me is pushing beyond the boundaries of convention.
34) I work according to a routine.
35) A strong military is necessary because warfare is a part of human nature.
36) Being optimistic tends to lead to disappointment.
37) I'm biased to whatever path best helps others.
38) I am planning driven.
39) I do what I want and do not feel particularly obliged to anyone.
40) Image is extremely important to me.
41) I love talking about myself.
42) There is nothing more important to me than doing things for others.
43) I use romantic relationships to regulate my self esteem.
44) When it comes to people that dislike me‚ I tend to scrub them from my life.
45) I value social status.
46) More attractive people should be treated better.
47) After breakups I tend to be less physically active.
48) I am not as upset as others when someone dies.
49) I am very laid back.
50) My calling in life is to discover things.
51) I would be interested in studying in a scientific field.
52) I would be interested in doing research on plants or animals.
53) I would be interested in working in a scientific lab.
54) I am relaxation driven.
55) I am organizing.
56) I follow a schedule.
57) I have ADHD.
58) I take unfamiliar paths.
59) I value being more attractive than others.
60) I would be interested in writing a song.

شرح سایت روان سنجی: پس از ورود به نشانی زیر و ثبت سن و جنسیت، گزینه ها ارائه می شود. پس از پایان، سایت زیر گزارسی از تیپ شخصیتی به شما ارائه خواهد کرد.
یادآور شود که در سایت زیر، شماری آزمون دیگر وجود دارد.

آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
خرداد 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
بهمن 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
هرکه بر ضرر مومن داستانی بگوید و قصدش عیب او و ریختن آبرویش باشد که از چشم مردم بیفتد ، خداوند اورا از دوستی خود به دوستی شیطان براند و شیطان هم او را نپذیرد : حضرت امام صادق (ع)
کلیه حقوق به آرین آرانی متعلق است.