Shame Inventory (SI)

Shame Inventory (SI)
Rizvi‚ 2009
سیاهه شرم
Part I
The questions below are about overall shame feelings that you may experience.
1. Circle the number which indicates how often you typically experience shame.
 0=Never‚ 1=     Seldom‚ 2=Occasionally‚ 3= Often‚ 4=Always
2. Circle the number which indicates the intensity or severity of shame that you typically    experience.
 0=None‚ 1=Slight‚ 2=Moderate‚ 3= Considerable‚ 4= Extreme
3. To what extent does shame negatively affect the quality of your life?
0=No Effect‚ 1=Slight Effect‚ 2=Moderate Effect‚ 3=Considerable Effect‚ 4=Extreme Effect
Part II
x=Didn’t Happen/Does Not Apply to Me‚ 0=    No Shame‚ 1=    Slight Shame‚ 2=Moderate Shame‚ 3=Considerable Shame‚ 4=Extreme Shame
A time when I …
1.    Was laughed at in front of others
2.    Was criticized in front of others
3.    Cried in front of others
4.    Made a scene in public
5.    Lost something important
6.    Had sex with someone when I didn’t want to
7.    Forced/coerced someone to have sex with me
8.    Had an affair/was unfaithful/was sexually promiscuous
9.    Was sexually harassed
10.    Made a suicide attempt/threat or harmed myself on purpose
11.    Didn’t know the answer to a question I felt I should know
12.    Was caught saying negative things about others
13.    Overate or ate unhealthy/high fat food
14.    Missed an important appointment
15.    Was praised for something I didn’t do
16.    Didn’t live up to a really important standard of mine
17.    Didn’t live up to others’ standards
18.    Told a lie
19.    Broke a promise
20.    Committed a crime
21.    Knew someone talked badly about me behind my back
22.    Received a compliment
23.    Found out someone I cared for didn’t feel the same way
24.    Was turned down for a date/request to spend time with someone
25.    Could not afford something
26.    Was slow to learn something
27.    Hurt someone emotionally
28.    Hurt someone physically
29.    Hurt an animal
30.    Was physically or sexually abused
31.    Saw a picture of myself/saw myself in mirror
32.    Was afraid to do something
33.    Failed at work
34.    Lost a friendship
35.    Had fantasies of violence or death
36.    Had sexual/kinky fantasies
37.    Betrayed a friend
38.    Was betrayed by someone I care about
39.    Hated a family member
40.    Had an abortion
41.    Had a private aspect of myself exposed
42.    Other‚ describe:
43.    Not being in an intimate relationship
44.    Not ha‎ving children
45.    Being gay/lesbian/bisexual
46.    Feeling unattractive/ugly
47.    ha‎ving a mental disorder
48.    Being a certain race/ethnicity
49.    Not ha‎ving a good career
50.    Being adopted
شرح سایت روان سنجی: سیاهه شرم برای ارزیابی تمایل فرد برای تجربه شرم به صورت کلی و در پاسخ به وقایع خاص پدیدآمده است.
اعتبار: هماهنگی درونی آلفا کرونباخ کل 0.84 ، بخش بک 0.8 و بخش دو 0.83. ضریب بازازمایی 0.85 و
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: &
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Rizvi‚ S. L. & Linehan‚ M. M. (2005). The treatment of maladaptive shame in borderline personality disorder: A pilot study of ‘Opposite Action.’ Cognitive and Behavioral Practice‚ 12‚ 437-447. doi:10.1016/S1077-7229(05)80071-9
Rizvi‚ S. L. (2009). Development and preliminary validation of a new measure to assess shame: The shame inventory. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment‚ 32‚ 438-447. doi:10.1007/s10862-009-9172-y
Bendure‚ Jenny M. (2014). Women's Shame Resilience: Examining Various Theoretical Assumptions of Shame Resilience Theory. PhD thesis. University of Oklahoma.