Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness (PMIR)

Measure of Islamic Religiousness (PMIR)
Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness (PMIR)
Abu Raiya‚ 2008
سنجش روان شناختی دینداری اسلامی
No = 1 Uncertain = 2 Yes = 3
1.    I believe in the existence of Allah.
2.    I believe in the Day of Judgment.
3.    I believe in the existence of paradise and hell.
4.    I believe in the existence of the angels‚ the Jinn‚ and Satan.
5.    I believe in all the prophets that Allah sent and in the sacred texts that were revealed to them.
Please check the answer that fits you.
6.    How often do you pray?
___Never (0)
___A few times a year (1)
___Several times a month (2)
___Several times a week (3)
___Most of the times the 5 daily prayers (4)
___Five times a day or more (5)
7.    How often do you fast?
___Never (0)
___A Few times in life (1)
___A few days of the month of Ramadan each year (2)
___Half to all the month of Ramadan each year (3)
___The whole month of Ramadan each year (4)
___Other religious days or sunna fasts in addition to the month of Ramadan (5)
8.    How often do you go to the masjid?
___Never (0)
___A few times in my life (1)
___A few times a year (2)
___A few times a month (3)
___About once or twice a week (4)
___Once a day or more (5)
9.    Except in prayers‚ how often do you read or listen to the Holy Qura’n?
___Never (0)
___A few times in my life (1)
___A few times a year (2)
___A few times a month (3)
___About once or twice a week (4)
___Once a day or more (5)
10.    Except in prayers‚ how often do you engage in d’iker or tasbih?
___Never (0)
___A few times in my life (1)
___A few times a year (2)
___A few times a month (3)
___About once or twice a week (4)
___Once a day or more (5)
11.    Which type of hijab you wear? (for women only)
___None (0)
___One that does not cover all the hair and ears but covers part of the hair (1)
___One that covers all the hair but rest of clothes regular fashions (2)
___One that covers all the hair and the neck but rest of clothes regular fashions (3)
___One that covers all the hair and loose-fitting‚ opaque clothing (i.e.‚ jilbab‚ shalwar‚ khimar‚ abaya‚ etc.) (4)
___One that covers the face (niqab or burqah) (5)
12.    Islam is the major reason why I am a humble person.
13.    Islam is the major reason why I honor my parents.
14.    Islam is the major reason why I help my relatives and neighbors.
15.    Islam is the major reason why I assist the needy and the orphans.
16.    Islam is the major reason why I am a tolerant person.
17.    Islam is the major reason why I do not eat pork.
18.    Islam is the major reason why I do not drink alcohol.
19.    Islam is the major reason why I do not have sex before marriage or outside it.
20.    Islam is the major reason why I do not consider committing suicide.
21.    Islam is the major reason why I do not engage in gossip.
22.    I consider every Muslim in the world as my brother or sister.
23.    I identify with the suffering of every Muslim in the world.
24.    One of my major sources of pride is being a Muslim.
25.    I would like to live in a world ruled by the Islamic laws.
26.    I believe that brotherhood and sisterhood is one of the basic tenets of Islam.
Please indicate your reaction to the following statement:
27.    In my life‚ I have changed from a non-religious person to a religious person.
No Yes
If your answer is no‚ please move to the following section.
If your answer to the above statement is yes‚ please indicate your reaction to each of the statements 28-33 by using the following scale:
Strongly disagree = 1 Disagree = 2 Neutral = 3 Agree = 4 Strongly agree = 5
28.    Becoming more involved in Islam was a turning point in my life.
29.    Islam has moved from the outside to the very center of my life.
30.    At one point in my life‚ I realized that Islam is the solution to all of my problems.
31.    All it once‚ I felt that my life has no meaning without Islam.
32.    All at once‚ I felt that I am on the wrong path and that I should follow the path of Allah.
33.    In comparison to the way I used to be‚ Islam touches every aspect of my life.
Please indicate your reaction to each the following statements using the following scale:
I do not do this at all = 1‚ I do this a little = 2‚ I do this a medium amount = 3‚ I do this a lot = 4
34.    When I face a problem in life‚ I look for a stronger connection with Allah.
35.    When I face a problem in life‚ I consider that a test from Allah to deepen my belief.
36.    When I face a problem in life‚ I seek Allah’s love and care.
37.    When I face a problem in life‚ I believe that I am being punished for bad actions I did.
38.    When I face a problem in life‚ I voice anger that Allah did not answer my supplications.
39.    When I face a problem in life‚ I feel punished by Allah for my lack of devotion.
40.    When I face a problem in life‚ I read the Holy Qura’n to find consolation.
41.    When I face a problem in life‚ I ask for Allah’s forgiveness.
42.    When I face a problem in life‚ I try to make sense of the situation with no reference to Allah.
43.    When I face a problem in life‚ I remind myself that Allah commanded me to be patient.
44.    When I face a problem in life‚ I realize that Allah will not answer my supplications.
45.    When I face a problem in life‚ I do what I can and put the rest in Allah’s hands.
Please indicate your reaction to each the following questions using the following scale:
Never = 0‚ Rarely = 1‚ Sometimes = 2‚ Often = 3m Very often = 4
46.    I find myself doubting the existence of Allah.
47.    I find some aspects of Islam to be unfair.
48.    I find myself doubting the existence of afterlife.
49.    I think that Islam does not fit the modern time.
50.    I doubt that the Holy Qura’n is the exact words of Allah.
51.    I feel that Islam makes people intolerant.
Please indicate your reaction to each the following statements using the following scale:
Not applicable
Not at all true = 1‚ Usually not true = 2‚ Usually true = 3‚ Very true = 4
52.    I pray because I enjoy it.
53.    I pray because if I do not‚ Allah will disapprove of me.
54.    I pray because I find it satisfying.
55.    I read the Holy Qura’n because I feel that Allah is talking to me when I do that.
56.    I read the Holy Qura’n because I would feel guilty if I did not.
57.    I read the Holy Qura’n because I find it satisfying.
58.    I fast in Ramadan because when I fast I feel close to Allah.
59.    I fast in Ramadan because I would feel bad if I did not.
60.    I go to the masjid because one is supposed to go to the masjid.
61.    I go to the masjid because others would disapprove of me if I did not.
Very strongly disagree = -4‚ Strongly disagree = -3‚ Moderately disagree = -2‚ Slightly disagree = -1‚ Slightly agree = 1‚ Moderately agree = 2‚ Strongly agree = 3‚ Very strongly agree = 4
62.    Islam is Allah’s complete‚ unfailing guide to happiness and salvation‚ which must be totally followed.
63.    Of all the people on this earth‚ Muslims have a special relationship with Allah. because they believe the most in his revealed truths and try the hardest to follow his laws.
64.    It is more important to be a good person than to believe in Allah and the right religion.
65.    Islam is the best way to worship Allah‚ and should never be compromised.
66.    No one religion is especially close to Allah‚ nor does Allah favors any particular believers.
67.    “Satan” is just the name people give to their own bad impulses. There really is no such thing as Satan who tempts us.
68.    Allah will punish most severely those who abandon his true religion.
69.    The basic cause of evil in this world is Satan‚ who is still constantly and ferociously fighting against Allah.
70.    No single book of religious writings contains all the important truths about life.
71.    There is no body of teachings‚ or set of scriptures‚ which is completely without error.
<General Islamic Well-being Scale> (Cronbach’s alpha = .96).
Please indicate your reaction to each the following statements using the following scale:
Very negatively = -2‚ Negatively = -1‚ Not at all = 0‚ Positively = 1‚ Very positively = 2
72.    Islam affects my sense of meaning in life.
73.    Islam affects my sense of personal identity.
74.    Islam affects my sense of community.
75.    Islam affects my sense of personal comfort.
76.    Islam affects my sense of peace of mind.
77.    Islam affects my physical health.
78.    Islam affects my sense of self-esteem.
79.    Islam affects my feeling of closeness to Allah.
80.    Islam affects my ability to cope with difficult situations in life.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: " ابورایا" در پی تلاشهایش در دوره کارشناسی و کارشناسی ارشد، پرسشنامه فوق را برای پایان نامه دکتری خود پی گرفت. دو نسخه 70 گویه ای و 60 گویه ای ارائه کرد. او رد مطالعه خود از ابزاری ترکیبی با 169 ماده بهره گرفت، 71 ماده نخست "دینداری اسلامی" و 9 ماده "مقیاس بهزیستی اسلامی عمومی " و بقیه از دیگر مقیاس ها چون"مقیاس مرکز بررسی همه گیری افسردگی"، "مقیاس سلامت  (بهزیستی) روانی" و ... بود. او شش خرده مقیاس برای این ابزار معرفی کرد. چندی بعد او در مقاله ای که با همکاری "پارگامنت" 2008 ارائه کرد، تعداد ماده ها را 60 اعلام کرد.
خرده مقیاس ها:  عقاید اسلامی، مبانی اخلاقی اسلامی و جهان‌شمولی، مبارزه دینی اسلامی، تکلیف دینی اسلامی، تکلیف و انحصارگرایی، مقابله و شناسایی مثبت دینی اسلامی، و ارزیابی تازه تنبیه خداوند.
ماده 11 ویژه زنان است، ماده های 28 تا 33 ناباوران به اسلام و 67 تا 71 بار عاملی نداشته اند.
Islamic Beliefs‚ Islamic Ethical Principles & Universality‚ Islamic Religious Struggle‚ Islamic Religious Duty‚ Obligation & Exclusivism‚ Islamic Positive Religious Coping & Identification‚ Islamic Religious Conversion‚ and Punishing Allah Reappraisal
The Beliefs Dimension‚ the Practices Dimension‚ the Ethical Conduct- Do Dimension‚ the Ethical Conduct-Don’t Dimension‚ and the Islamic Universality Dimension.
Islamic Beliefs subscale (5 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha = .97); Islamic Ethical Principles & Universality subscale (14 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha = .97). Islamic Religious
Duty‚ Obligation & Exclusivism subscale (12 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha =.77); Islamic Religious
Struggle subscale (6 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha =.90); Islamic Positive Religious Coping &
Identification subscale (14 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha =.88); Punishing Allah Reappraisal subscale (3 items; ˛ Cronbach’s alpha =.77); and Islamic Religious Conversion subscale (6 items; Cronbach’s alpha =.89; General Islamic Well-being (Cronbach’s alpha = .96).
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at:!etd.send_file?accession=bgsu1158091753 &
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Abu Raiya‚ H. (2005). Identifying dimensions of Islam relevant to physical and mental health. Unpublished ma‎sters thesis‚ Bowling Green State University‚ Bowling Green‚ Ohio.
Abu Raiya‚ H. (2005). An initial psychological measure of Islamic beliefs and practices: A pilot testing. Unpublished preliminary project‚ Bowling Green State University‚ Bowling Green‚ Ohio.
Abu Raiya‚ H. (2008). Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness: Evidence for Relevance‚ Reliability and validity. Bowling Green State University. Doctoral  Dissertation Abstracts‚ Ohio.
Abu-Raiya‚ Hisham.‚ Pargament‚ Kenneth I.‚ Mahoney‚ A nnette.‚ and Stein‚ Catherine H. (2008).  A Psychological Measure of Islamic Religiousness: Development and Evidence for Reliability and Validity. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 18(4):291-315.