School Attitudes Assessment Survey
Motivation and Self-Regulation
These subscales are derived from the School Attitudes Assessment Survey (McCoach‚ 2002).
Academic Self-Perception
ادراک خویشتن تحصیلی
1. I am confident in my scholastic abilities.
2. I do well in school.
3. I learn new concepts quickly.
4. I am successful.
5. I am confident in my ability to succeed in school.
اعتبار: 0.82
Attitudes Toward School
نگرش به مدرسه
1. This is a good school.
2. I am glad that I go to this school.
3. I like my teachers.
4. My teachers make learning interesting.
5. I like school.
6. School is interesting.
اعتبار: 0.89
Motivation and Self-Regulation
انگیزش و خودگردانی
1. I work hard at school.
2. I concentrate on my schoolwork.
3. I am a responsible student.
4. I complete my schoolwork regularly.
اعتبار: 0.87
شرح : سه خرده مقیاس از مقیاس مطالعه سنجش نگرش به مدرسه است . سه خرده مقیاس : ادراک خویشتن تحصیلی؛ نگرش به مدرسه؛ انگیزش و خودگردانی در این بخش ارائه شده است.
کلید واژه
- School and Academics
- Motivation
- Self-Regulation
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 111-116 of Assessing Outcomes in Child and Youth Programs: A Practical Handbook‚ available online at:
رده سنی: 12 تا 18 سال
نمره گذاری:
1=Strongly Disagree
2= Disagree
3= Slightly Disagree
4= Neither agree nor Disagree
5= Slightly Agree
6= Agree
7= Strongly Agree
McCoach‚ D. B. (2002) A validation study of the school assessment survey. Measurement and
Evaluation in Counseling and Development‚ 35‚ 66-71.
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