Tolerance Scale
This scale is part of the Psychosocial Maturity Scale
Greenberger‚ 2001
مقیاس بردباری
5th grade version
1. If a friend whose ideas about God are verydifferent from mine gave me a religiousmagazine to read‚ I wouldn’t read it.
2. 3. Nothing very bad could happen to ourgovernment just because a group of peoplemakes speeches to turn other people against it.
4. I don’t think I could be close friends with adisabled person.
5. A person who takes charity even though he orshe could work shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
6. It would bother me to work for a personwhose skin color is different from mine.
7. I would not make friends with a person whohad very different manners and clothes frommost of my other friends.
8. People of different races or skin color shouldget together at the same parties and dances.
9. I would rather not live in a neighborhoodwhere there are people of different races or skincolor.
10. I would not mind working closely on a jobwith a person whose skin color is different frommine.
8th grade version
1. If a friend whose ideas about God are verydifferent from mine gave me a religiousmagazine to read‚ I wouldn’t read it.
2. Allowing people to speak their ideas freely can’t really help us find ways to improve our country.
3. Foreign-born people who live in the United States will feel happier in the long run if they never use their own language.
4. I don’t think I could be close friends with a disabled person.
5. It would bother me to work for a person whose skin color is different from mine.
6. I would not make friends with a person who had very different manners and clothes from most of my other friends.
7. People of different races or skin color should get together at parties and dances.
8. I would rather not live in a neighborhood where there are people of different races or skin color.
9. I would not mind working closely on a job with a person whose skin color is different from mine.
11th grade version
1. If a friend whose ideas about God are very different from mine gave me a religious magazine to read‚ I wouldn’t read it.
2. You should avoid spending too much time with people who are not approved of‚ even if you think they are really all right.
3. I would not mind being friends with a person whose father or mother was in trouble with the law.
4. I don’t think I could be close friends with a disabled person.
5. Hippies should not move into neighborhoods where there are mostly older people and young children.
6. It would bother me to work for a person whose skin color is different from mine.
7. I would not make friends with a person who had very different manners from mine.
8. I would rather not live in a neighborhood where there are people of different races or skin colors.
9. I would not mind working closely on a job with a person whose skin color is different from mine.
10. I wouldn’t like to spend the weekend in the home of a friend whose parents don’t speak English.
11. If I had a choice‚ I would prefer a blood transfusion from a person of the same skin color as mine.
اعتبار: بین 0.67 تا 0.89
شرح : خرده مقیاسی از مقیاس بلوغ روانی است .این مقیاس بردباری در برابر تفاوت های نژادی و فرهنگی را اندازه می گیرد.
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 81-84 of Assessing Outcomes in Child and Youth Programs: A Practical Handbook‚ available online at:
رده سنی: پایه های پنجم، هشتم و یازدهم
نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
4= Disagree Strongly
3= Disagree a Little
2= Agree a Little
1= Agree Strongly
Reverse coding is necessary. For the 5th grade version‚ reverse 8 and 10. For 8th grade reverse 7 and 9. For the 11th grade version‚ reverse 3 and 9. The resulting item scores are summed to create the total scale score. Higher scores reflect greater tolerance.
Permission: Not needed to use this scale. Additional information on the scale can be obtained from the author: Ellen Greenberger Department of Psychology‚ School of Social Psychology SEII-3340 University of California at Irvine.
Greenberger‚ E.‚ (2001) Psychosocial maturity inventory (PSM) Form D. School of social
ecology‚ University of California‚ Irvine‚ CA 92697. Unpublished.
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