Parent-Child Communication about Smoking

Parent-Child Communication about Smoking (H/L ATS)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
ارتباط والد- فرزند درباره دخانیات
1. During the past 6 months‚ how many times have you spoken with your child about what he/she may or may not do in regard to tobacco?
1. Never
2. Once
3. Twice
4. Three or more times
2. During the past 6 months‚ how many times have you told your child that he/she cannot use tobacco?
1. Never
2. Once
3. Twice
4. Three or more times
3. Which of the following statements best describes what you think?
1. You are sure that your child does not smoke
2. You believe that your child does not smoke
3. You do not know whether your child smokes or not
4. You suspect that your child smokes
5. You are sure that your child smokes
4. How much would it please or displease you if you learned that your child currently smokes cigarettes?
1. It would please me very much
2. It would please me somewhat
3. It would neither please nor displease me
4. It would displease me somewhat
5. It would displease me very much
شرح: این ابزار بخشی از مطالعه مصرف دخانیات نزد جوانان اسپانیایی/ لاتینی است و برای اندازه گیری رفتارها مرتبط با استعمال دخانیات، چون: آگاهی ها، نگرش ها و باورهای آنان طراحی شده است.
اعتبار: اطلاعاتی در دست نیست.
کلید واژه
  • Tobacco
  • attitude
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on pages 80-82 of Latino Families and Youth: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
رده سنی:  جوانان
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Hispanic/Latino Adult Tobacco Survey Questionnaire. Atlanta‚ Georgia: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services‚ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention‚ 2007.
سایت : همه آگاهی ها درباره آزمون از نشانی داخل متن است.