Illinois Bully Scale

Illinois Bully Scale
Espelage & Holt‚ 2001
© 2001 The Haworth Press‚ Inc.
مقیاس زورگویی ایلی نوی
1. I upset other students for the fun of it.
2. In a group I teased other students.
3. I fought students I could easily beat.
4. Other students picked on me.
5. Other students made fun of me.
6. Other students called me names.
7. I got hit and pushed by other students.
8. I helped harass other students.
9. I teased other students.
10. I got in a physical fight.
11. I threatened to hurt or hit another student.
12. I got into a physical fight because I was angry.
13. I hit back when someone hit me first.
14. I was mean to someone when I was angry.
15. I spread rumors about other students.
16. I started (instigated) arguments or conflicts.
17. I encouraged people to fight.
18. I excluded other students from my clique of friends.
Copyright © 2001 The Haworth Press. Reproduced by special permission of the publisher‚ The Haworth Press Inc.: Journal of Emotional Abuse‚ 10 Alice Street‚ Binghamton‚ NY 13904 from: Bullying and victimization during early adolescence: Peer influences and psychosocial correlates by Dorothy Espelage and Melissa Holt.
اعتبار : آلفا کرونباخ 0.63
Bullying = 0.87
Fighting = 0.83
Victimization = 0.88
دارای سه خرده مقیاس رفتار زورگویی؛ زدو خورد و قربانی شدن است.
کلید واژه
  • Bullying
  • Fighting
  • Victimization
نشانی دسترسی
This instrument can be found on page 49 of Measuring Bullying Victimization‚ Perpetration‚ and Bystander Experiences:A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at:
رده سنی : گروه سنی 8- 18 سال
اجرا و نمره گذاری:
Point values are assigned as follows:
Never = 0
1 or 2 times = 1
3 or 4 times = 2
5 or 6 times = 3
7 or more times = 4
Victim subscale: Items 4‚ 5‚ 6‚ and 7
Bully subscale: Items 1‚ 2‚ 8‚ 9‚ 14‚ 15‚ 16‚ 17‚ and 18
Fight subscale: Items 3‚ 10‚ 11‚ 12‚ and 13
Poteat‚ V. P.‚ & Espelage‚ D. L. (2005). Exploring the relation between bullying and homophobic verbal content: The Homophobic Content Agent Target (HCAT) Scale. Violence and Victims‚ 20‚ 513–528.
Developer’s Contact Information
Paul Poteat‚ PhD
Boston College
Dept. of Counseling‚ Developmental‚ & Educational Psychology
Lynch School of Education‚ Campion Hall 307
140 Commonwealth Ave.
Chestnut Hill‚ MA 02467
Tel: 617-552-4234
سایت روان سنجی : همه آگاهی ها درباره آزمون از نشانی درون متن برداشته شده است.