Bowel Control Scale

Bowel Control Scale (BWCS)
Developed by: The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Health Services Research Subcommittee
مقیاس کنترل روده (مدفوع)
During the past 4 weeks‚ how often have you...
1. been constipated?
2. lost control of your bowels or had an accident?
3. almost lost control of your bowels or almost had anaccident?
4. altered your activities because of bowel control problems
5. During the past 4 weeks‚ how much have bowel problems restricted your overall lifestyle? (Please circle one number.)
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این ابزار بخشی از مجموعه ابزارها با عنوان MSQLI برای بیماران MS  مالتی اسکلروزیس است.
Multiple Sclerosis Quality of Life Inventory (MSQLI)
·         Health Status Questionnaire (SF-36)
·         Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS)
·         MOS Pain Effects Scale (PES)
·         Sexual Satisfaction Scale (SSS)
·         Bladder Control Scale (BLCS)
·         Bowel Control Scale (BWCS)
·         Impact of Visual Impairment Scale (IVIS)
·         Perceived Deficits Questionnaire (PDQ)
·         Mental Health Inventory (MHI)
·         MOS Modified Social Support Survey (MSSS)
این ابزار بر پایه مقیاس "عملکرد روده و مثانه" "ترنبال و همکاران 1992" پدید آمده است.
اعتبار: آلفا کل ابزار 0.78
چگونگی دستیابی
نمره گذاری
For items 1-4: 0=Not at all‚ 1= Once‚ 2=Two to four times‚ 3=More than weekly but not daily‚ 4=Daily
For item 5: Not at all 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Severely
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Turnbull‚ G.K.‚ Hoare‚ C.‚ Ritvo‚ P.G.‚ Fisk‚ J.D.‚ & Murray‚ T. J. (1993). The assessment of bowel and bladder dysfunction in clinic attending MS patients. Presented at Department ofMedicine Research Symposium. Dalhousie University‚ Halifax‚ Nova Scotia.