Hwalek-Senstock Elder Abuse Screening Test

Hwalek-Senstock Elder Abuse Screening Test (HSEAST)
Neale AV‚ Hwalek MA‚ Scott RO‚ Sengstock MC‚ Stahl C. 1991
آزمون غربالگری بدرفتاری با افراد مسن- والک - سناستوک
1.    Do you have anyone who spends time with you‚ taking you shopping or to the doctor?
2.    Are you helping to support someone?
3.    Are you sad or lonely often?
4.    Who makes decisions about your life—like how you should live or where you should live?
5.    Do you feel uncomfortable with anyone in your family?
6.    Can you take your own medication and get around by yourself?
7.    Do you feel that nobody wants you around?
8.    Does anyone in your family drink a lot?
9.    Does someone in your family make you stay in bed or tell you you’re sick when you know you’re not?
10.Has anyone forced you to do things you didn’t want to do?
11.Has anyone taken things that belong to you without your O.K.?
12.Do you trust most of the people in your family?
13.Does anyone tell you that you give them too much trouble?
14.Do you have enough privacy at home?
15.Has anyone close to you tried to hurt you or harm you recently?
Violation of Personal Rights or Direct Abuse
1. Does someone else make decisions about your life – like how you should live or where you should live?
2. Does someone in your family make you stay in bed or tell you you’re sick when you know you’re not?
3. Has anyone forced you to do things you didn’t want to do?
4. Has anyone taken things that belong to you without your OK?
5. Has anyone close to you tried to hurt you or harm you recently?
ch‎aracteristics of Vulnerability
6. Do you have anyone who spends time with you‚ taking you shopping or to the doctor?
7. Are you sad or lonely often?
8. Can you take your own medication and get around by yourself?
Potentially Abusive Situations
9. Are you helping to support someone?
10. Do you feel uncomfortable with anyone in your family
11. Do you feel that nobody wants you around?
12. Does anyone in your family drink a lot?
13. Do you trust most of the people in your family?
14. Does anyone tell you that you give them too much trouble?
16. Do you have enough privacy at home?
شرح سایت روان سنجی: ابزاری برای روشن سازی بدرفتاری با افراد مسن است. ابزار دارای 15 پرسش است.
اعتبار: نمره های ابزار، آسیب دیدگان را از آسیب نادیدگان متمایز می کند. آلفا کرونباخ 0.29 (نلسون و همکاران، 2004)
نمره گذاری
A response of “no” to items 6‚ 8‚ 13‚ and 15 and a response of “yes” to all other score in the abused direction.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع و ماخذ
Neale AV‚ Hwalek MA‚ Scott RO‚ Sengstock MC‚ Stahl C. (1991). Validation of the Hwalek-Sengstock Elder Abuse Screening Test. Journal of Applied Gerontology; 10(4): 406-418.
Nelson. Heidi‚ Nygren. Peggy‚ McInerney. Yasmin‚. (2004). Screening for Family and Intimate Partner Violence. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Systematic Evidence Review; 28. www.ahrq.gov
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
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فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
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اردیبهشت 1390
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بهمن 1389
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اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
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