Succession‚ Identity‚ and Consumption Scale

Succession‚ Identity‚ and Consumption Scale of Prescriptive Ageism (SIC)
North & Fiske‚ 2013b
مقیاس جانشینی، هویت، مصرف منابع تجویز شده برای کهنسالان
Factor 1: Consumption
Doctors spend too much time treating sickly older people.*
Older people are too big a burden on the healthcare system.*
Older people are often too much of a burden on families.
At a certain point‚ older people’s maximum benefit to society is passing along their resources.
Older people shouldn’t be so miserly with their money if younger relatives need it.
Older people don’t really need to get the best seats on buses and trains.
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons) wastes ch‎arity money.
Factor 2: Succession
If it weren’t for older people opposed to changing the way things are‚ we could probably progress much more rapidly as a society.
The older generation has an unfair amount of political power compared to younger people.
Most older people don’t know when to make way for younger people.+
Most older workers don’t know when it’s time to make way for the younger generation.+
Older people are often too stubborn to realize they don’t function like they used to.
Younger people are usually more productive than older people at their jobs.
Job promotions shouldn’t be based on older workers’ experience rather than their productivity.
It is unfair that older people get to vote on issues that will impact younger people much more.
Factor 3: Identity
Older people typically shouldn’t go to places where younger people hang out. x
In general‚ older people shouldn’t hang out at places for younger people. x
Generally older people shouldn’t go clubbing.
Older people probably should use Facebook.
Older people shouldn’t even try to act cool.
*+x Similar items‚ potentially redundant‚ denoted as co-varying in the structural equation model.
Copyright Michael S. North & Susan T. Fiske. Its use for nonprofit research is freely granted‚ but any commercial use must be cleared with the authors.
شرح سایت روان سنجی: با افزایش سن، تفاوت و تنش هایی میان نسل ها در سه زمینه: جانیگزینی منابع ( بازنشستگی، واگذاری ثروت)، محدود کردن مصرف منابع مشترک (هزینه بهداشت، سرعت یا کندی ترافیک) و پرهیز از آنچه هویت جوانان است ( موسیقی محبوب، مد) می تواند بروز کند. .
Cronbach alphas coefficients across the four samples ranged from .90 to .91 for the total scale.
Alpha coefficients for the three subscales were: succession (.84 to .85)‚ identity (.83 to .87)‚ and consumption (.75 to .86) across the four samples (North & Fiske‚ 2013b). Likewise‚ analyses on Indianresponses (North & Fiske‚ under review) also resulted in acceptable alphas (.80 to .86).“North & Fiske‚ 2013b”
نمره گذاری
1‚ disagree strongly‚ 2‚ disagree‚ 3‚ disagree slightly‚ 4‚ agree slightly‚ 5‚ agree‚ 6‚ agree strongly.
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found online at:
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
North‚ M. S.‚ & Fiske‚ S. T. (2012). An inconvenienced youth? Ageism and its potential intergenerational roots. Psychological Bulletin‚ 138(5)‚ 982-997.
North‚ M.S.‚ & Fiske‚ S.T. (2013a). Act your (old) age: Prescriptive‚ ageist biases over Succession‚ Consumption‚ and Identity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin‚ 39(6)‚ 720-734.
North‚ M. S.‚ & Fiske‚ S. T. (2013b). A prescriptive‚ intergenerational-tension ageism scale: Succession‚ Identity‚ and Consumption. Psychological Assessment‚ 25(3)‚ 706-713.