Nature and Extent of Bullying in Schools

Nature and Extent of Bullying in Schools
Livesey‚ et al‚ 2007
پرسشنامه ماهیت و شیوع قلدری در مدارس
Junior Questionnaire
1.    How do you like school?
·         I dislike school very much
·         I dislike school
·         I neither like nor dislike school
·         I like school‚ I like school very much
2.    Are you a boy or a girl? Girl‚ boy
3.    How many good friends do you have in your class(es)?
·         None
·         I have 1 good friend in my class(es)
·         I have 2 or 3 good friends in my class(es)
·         I have 4 or 5 good friend in my class(es)
·         I have 6 or more good friends in my class(es)
4.    How often have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice‚ 2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
Have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months in one or more of the following ways?
5.    I was called mean names‚ was made fun of‚ or teased in a hurtful way.
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
6.    Other pupils left me out of things on purpose‚ left me out from their group of friends‚ or completely ignored me.
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
7.    I was hit‚ kicked‚ pushed‚ shoved around‚ or locked indoors.
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
Have you been bullied at school in the past couple of months in one or more of the following ways?
8.    Other pupils told lies or spread false rumours about me and tried to make others dislike me.
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
9.    I had money or other things taken away from me or damaged.
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
10.I was threatened or forced to do things I didn’t want to do
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
11. I was bullied with mean names or comments about my race or colour
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
12.I was bullied with mean names or comments about my religion
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
13.I was bullied with mean names or comments about my disability
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
14.I was bullied with mean names‚ comments‚ or rude gestures
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
15. was bullied with mean names or comments about my ability
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
16.I was bullied with the use of mobile phones
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
17.I was bullied with the use of computers
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
18.I was bullied in another way
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
19.In which class(es) is the pupil or pupils who bully you?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         in my class
·         in a different class but same year
·         in a higher year
·         in a lower year
·         in different years
20. Have you been bullied by boys or girls?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         in my class
·         in a different class but same year
·         in a higher year
·         in a lower year
·         in different years
21.By how many pupils have you usually been bullied?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         mainly by 1 pupil
·         by a group of 2 – 3 pupils
·         by a group of 4 – 9 pupils
·         by a group of more than 9 pupils
·         by several different pupils or groups of pupils
22. How long has the bullying lasted?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         it lasted one or two weeks
·         it lasted about a month‚ it has lasted about 6 months
·         it has lasted about a year
·         it has gone on for several years
23.Where have you been bullied?
·         I haven't been bullied in the past couple of months
·         I have been bullied in one or more of the following places in the past couple of months
Have you been bullied
a.    on the playground/athletic field (during lunch or break times)? No‚ Yes
b.    in the hallways/ stairwells? No‚ Yes
c.    in class (with teacher present)? No‚ Yes
d.    in the classroom (with teacher absent)? No‚ Yes
e.    in the toilets? No‚ Yes
f.     in PE class or the changing room / shower? No‚ Yes
g.    in the lunch room? No‚ Yes
h.    on the way to and from school? No‚ Yes
i.      at the school bus stop? No‚ Yes
j.     on the school bus? No‚ Yes
k.    somewhere else in school? No‚ Yes
24.Have you told anyone that you have been bullied at school in the past couple of months?
·         haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         I have been bullied but I have not told anyone
·         I have been bullied and I have told somebody about it
Have you told (that you have been bullied)
a.    your class teacher? No‚ Yes
b.    another adult at school (a different teacher‚ the principal/ headma‎ster the school nurse‚ the custodian/ school caretaker‚ the school psychologist/ mental health professional etc)? No‚ Yes
c.    your parent(s)/guardian(s)? No‚ Yes
d.    your brother(s) or sister(s)? No‚ Yes
e.    your friend(s)? No‚ Yes
f.     somebody else? No‚ Yes
25.How often do the teachers or other adults at school try to put a stop to it when a pupil is being bullied at school?
·         almost never
·         once in a while
·         sometimes
·         often
·         almost always
26.How often do other pupils try to put a stop to it when a pupil is being bullied at school?
·         almost never
·         once in a while
·         sometimes
·         often
·          almost always
27. Has any adult at home contacted the school to try to stop your being bullied at school in the past couple of months?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         no‚ they haven't contacted the school
·         yes‚ they have contacted the school once
·         yes‚ they have contacted the school several times
28.When you see a pupil your age being bullied at school‚ what do you feel or think?
·         that is probably what he or she deserves
·         I don't feel much
·         I feel a bit sorry for him or her
·         I feel sorry for him or her and want to help him or her
29.How often have you taken part in bullying another pupil(s) at school the past couple of months?
·         I haven't bullied another pupil(s) at school in in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
Have you bullied another pupil(s) at school in the past couple of months in one or more of the following ways?
30.I called another pupil(s) mean names‚ made fun of or teased him or her in a hurtful way
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
31.I kept him or her out of things on purpose‚ excluded him or her from my group of friends or completely ignored him or her
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
32.I hit‚ kicked‚ pushed and shoved him or her around or locked him or her indoors
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
33.I spread false rumors about him or her and tried to make others dislike him or her
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
34. I took money or other things from him or her or damaged his or her belongings
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
35. I threatened or forced him or her to do things he or she didn't want to do
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
36. I bullied him or her with mean names or comments about his or her race or colour
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
37. I bullied him or her with mean names or comments about his or her religion
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
38. I bullied him or her with mean names or comments about his or her disability
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
39. I bullied him or her with mean names‚ comments‚ or rude gestures
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
40. I bullied him or her with mean names or comments about his or her ability
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
41. I bullied him or her with the use of mobile phones
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
42. I bullied him or her with the use of computers
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
43.  I bullied him or her in another way
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
44.Has your class teacher or any other teacher talked with you about you bullying other pupils at school in the past couple of months?
·         I haven't bullied other pupil(s) at school in the past couple of months
·         no‚ they haven't talked with me about it
·         yes‚ the have talked with me about it once
·         yes‚ they have talked with me about it several times
45.Has any adult at home talked with you about your bullying other pupils at school in the past couple of months?
·         I haven't bullied other pupil(s) at school in the past couple of months
·         no‚ they haven't talked with me about it
·         yes‚ the have talked with me about it once
·         yes‚ they have talked with me about it several times
46.Do you think you could join in bullying a pupil whom you didn´t like?
·         yes
·         yes‚ maybe
·         I don't know
·         no‚ I don't think so
·         no
·         definitely no
47.How do you usually react if you see or understand that a pupil your age is being bullied by other pupils?
·         I have never noticed that pupils my age have been bullied
·         I take part in the bullying
·         I don't do anything‚ but I think the bullying is OK
·         I just watch what goes on
·         I don't do anything‚ but I think I ought to help the bullied pupil
·         I try to help the bullied pupil in one way or another
48.How often are you afraid of being bullied by other pupils in your school?
·         never
·         seldom
·         sometimes
·         fairly often
·         often
·         very often
49.Overall‚ how much do think your class teacher has done to stop bullying in the past couple of months?
·         little or nothing
·         c fairly little
·         somewhat
·         a good deal
·         much
(i)           Does a pupil's race or skin colour make them more likely or less likely to be bullied?
·         More likely
·         Less likely
·         Doesn't make a difference
(ii)          Thinking about pupils with a disability does their disability make them more likely or less likely to be bullied?
·         More likely
·         Less likely
·         Doesn't make a difference
(iii)         Does a pupil's religion make them more likely or less likely to be bullied?
·         More likely
·         Less likely
·         Doesn't make a difference
(iv)         What do you think about bullying other pupils because of their race or skin colour?
·         always wrong
·         sometimes wrong
·         unsure
·         sometimes right
·         always right
(v)          Thinking about pupils with a disability‚ what do you think about bullying these pupils because of their disability?
·         always wrong
·         sometimes wrong
·         unsure
·         sometimes right
·         always right
(vi)         What do you think about bullying other pupils because of their religion?
·         always wrong
·         sometimes wrong
·         unsure
·         sometimes right
·         always right
(vii)        Which religious community do you belong to? (Tick one box only) Community
·         Protestant
·         Roman Catholic Community
·         Neither
·         Other - please specify________________
(viii)       (viii) Have you a disability? No‚ Yes
Senior Questionnaire
Replace this items at above 20‚ 23‚ 24‚ and 39
  1. I was bullied with mean names‚ comments‚ or gestures with a sexual meaning
·         it hasn’t happened to me in the past couple of months
·         only once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
  1. Have you been bullied by boys or girls?
·         I haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months
·         mainly by 1 girl
·         by several girls
·         mainly by 1 boy
·         by several boys
·         by both boys and girls
  1. Where have you been bullied?
·         I haven't been bullied in the past couple of months (if you place an X in this box‚ skip to question 24)
·         I have been bullied in one or more of the following places in the past couple of months (continue below):
  1. Have you told anyone that you have been bullied at school in the past couple of months?
·         haven't been bullied at school in the past couple of months ( if you place an X in this box‚ skip to question 25)
·         I have been bullied but I have not told anyone (if you place an X in this box‚ skip to question 25)
·         I have been bullied and I have told somebody about it (continue below):
  1. I bullied him or her with mean names‚ comments‚ or gestures with a sexual meaning
·         it hasn't happened in the past couple of months
·         it has only happened once or twice
·         2 or 3 times a month
·         about once a week
·         several times a week
شرح سایت روان سنجی: این پرسشنامه بر پایه پرسشنامه قربانی/ مرتکب زورگویی"الویز، 1996" برای بررسی ماهیت و میزان زورگویی در مدارس ایرلند شمالی در دو رده پیش دبستانی (شش ساله) و دبستانی (9 ساله) پدید آمده است.
اعتبار: شواهد روان سنجی یافت نشد.
چگونگی دستیابی
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Livesey‚ G.E.‚ McAleavy‚ G.J.‚ Donegan‚ H.A.‚ Duffy‚ J.‚ O'Hagan‚ C.‚ Adamson‚ G. (2007). The Nature and Extent of Bullying in Schools in the North of Ireland. 46
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
خرداد 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
بهمن 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
سپاس بیکران به حضور دکتر علی اکبر سیف که هر دانش آموخته این حوزه از کتاب های او بی نیاز نبوده است .
کلیه حقوق به آرین آرانی متعلق است.