Dimensions of Religious Commitment

Dimensions of Religious Commitment
Glock and Stark‚ 1966
ابعاد تعهد دینی
I. Belief Dimension
A. Orthodoxy Index
1. Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing what you believe about God? (Please check only one answer.)
a)    I know God really exists and I have no doubts about it.
b)   While I have doubts‚ I feel that I do believe in God.
c)    I find myself believing in God some of the time‚ but not a t other times.
d)    I don't believe in a personal God‚ but I do believe in a higher power of some kind.
e)    I don't know whether there is a God and I don't believe there is any way to find out.
f)     I don't believe in God.
g)    None of the above represents what I believe. What I believe about God is. (please specify)
2. Which of the following statements comes closest to expressing what you believe about Jesus? (Check only one answer.)
a)    Jesus is the Divine Son of God and I have no doubts about it.
b)   While I have some doubts‚ I feel basically that Jesus is Divine.
c)    I feel that Jesus was a great man and very holy‚ but I don't feel Him to be the Son of God any more than all of us are children of God.
d)    I think that Jesus was only a man although an extraordinary one.
e)    Frankly‚ I'm not entirely sure there was such a person as Jesus.
f)     None of the above represents what I believe. What I believe about Jesus is. (please specify)
3. The Bible tells of many miracles‚ some credited to Christ and some to other prophets and apostles. Generally speaking‚ which of the following statements comes closest to what you believe about Biblical miracles? (Check only one answer.)
a)    I'm not sure whether these miracles really happened or not.
b)   I believe miracles are stories and never really happened.
c)    I believe the miracles happened‚ but can be explained by natural causes.
d)    I believe the miracles actually happened just as the Bible says they did.
4. The Devil actually exists. (Check how certain you are this is true.)
a)    Completely true
b)   Probably true
c)    Probably not true
d)    Definitely not true
B. Particularism Index (measuring the importance of holding one's own particular beliefs.)
1. Do you think belief in Jesus Christ as Saviour is ...
a)    absolutely necessary for salvation
b)   would probably help
c)    probably has no influence
2. Do you think being a member of your particular religious faith is ...
a)    absolutely necessary for salvation
b)   would probably help
c)    probably has no influence
3. Do you think being completely ignorant of Jesus‚ as might be the case for people living in other countries‚ will ...
a)    Definitely prevent salvation
b)   may possibly prevent salvation
c)    probably has no influence on salvation
C. Ethicalism (concern for others)
1. Do you think doing good for others is ...
a)    absolutely necessary for salvation
b)   would probably help
c)    probably has no influence
2. Do you think loving thy neighbor is ...
a)    absolutely necessary for salvation
b)   would probably help
c)    probably has no influence
II. Ritual Dimension
A. Ritual Involvement Index
1. How often do you attend Sunday worship services? (Check the answer which comes closest to describing what you do.)
a)    Every week
b)   Nearly every week
c)    About three times a month
d)    About twice a month
e)    About once a month
f)     About every six weeks
g)    About every three months
h)    About once or twice a year
i)     Less than once a year
j)     Never
2. How often‚ if at all‚ are table prayers or grace said before or after meals in your home?
a)    We say grace at all meals
b)   We say grace at least once a day
c)    We say grace at least once a week
d)    We say grace‚ but only on special occasions
e)    We never‚ or hardly ever‚ say grace
B. Devotionalism Index
1. How often do you pray privately? (Check the answer which comes closest to what you do.)
a)    I never pray‚ or only do so at church services.
b)   I pray only on very special occasions.
c)    I pray once in a while‚ but not at regular intervals.
d)    I pray quite often‚ but n o t at regular times.
e)    I pray regularly once a day or more.
f)     I pray regularly several times a week.
g)    I pray regularly once a week.
2. How important is prayer in your life?
a)    Extremely important
b)   Fairly important
c)    Not too important
d)    Not important
III. Experiential Dimension: Religious Experience Index
Listed below are a number of experiences of a religious nature which people have reported ha‎ving. Since you have been an adult have you ever had any of these experiences‚ and how sure are you that you had it?
A feeling that you were somehow in the presence of God... (Yes‚ I'm sure I have; Yes‚ I think I have; No)
A sense of being saved in Christ... (Yes‚ I'm sure I have; Yes‚ I think I have; No)
A feeling of being afraid of God… (Yes‚ I'm sure I have; Yes‚ I think I have; No)
A feeling of being punished by God for something you had done... (Yes‚ I'm sure I have; Yes‚ I think I have; No)
A feeling of being tempted by the Devil . . . (Yes‚ I'm sure I have; Yes‚ I think I have; No)
IV. Religious Knowledge: Religious Knowledge Index
A. Scripture Quotations. Please read each of the following statements and do two things: first‚ decide whether the statement is from the Bible or not; and second‚ in dicate whether or not you agree with the statement. (Please do this even if you think the statement is not from the Bible.)
1. For it is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye than for a rich man to enter in to the kingdom of God.
From the Bible? Yes; No
Do you agree? Yes; No
2. Blessed are the strong: for they shall be the sword of God.
From the Bible? Yes; No
Do you agree? Yes; No
3. Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.
From the Bible? Yes; No
Do you agree? Yes; No
4. Let your women keep silence i n the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak.
From the Bible? Yes; No
Do you agree? Yes; No
5. For I the Lord thy God am a jealous God‚ visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me.
From the Bible? Yes; No
Do you agree? Yes; No
B. Prophets
Which of the following were Old Testament prophets? (Check as many answers as you think are correct.)
() Elijah
() Deuteronomy
() Jeremiah
() Paul
() Levitius
() Ezekiel
() None of these
شرح سایت روان سنجی: پنج بعد "باورها"، "آیین ها"،"تجربه ها"، "دانش" و "پیامدها" زیربنای نظری ساخت این ابزار است. این ابزار کوشش دارد تا به اندازه گیری جهار زمینه نخست در آیین مسحیت بپردازد.
Belief‚ Ritual‚ Experience‚ Knowledge‚ and Consequences
این ابزار با عنوان "پرسشنامه دینداری گلاک و استارک" در چندین مطالعه ایرانی به کار گرفته شده است.
اعتبار: سایت روان سنجی شواهدی نیافت.
نمره گذاری: هر بخش دارای نمره گذاری است به منبع زیر مراجعه کنید.
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found at: Measures of social psychological attitudes
منبع برای آگاهی بیشتر
Glock‚ ch‎arles Y. 1962. “On the Study of Religious Commitment.” Research Supplement to Religious Education 57‚98–110
Glock‚ C. and Stark‚ R. (1965). Religion and society in tension. Chicago: Rand McNally.
Faulkner‚ J. and DeJong‚ G.‚ (1966). Religiosity in 5-D: an empirical analysis. Social Forces‚ 45‚ 246-254.
Robinson‚ John P.‚ Shaver‚ Phillip R. (1969). Measures of Political Attitudes. Institute for Social Research‚ University of Michigan/. Ann Arbor‚ Michigan.
Glock ch‎arles Y. (1972). Images of ‘God‚’ Images of Man‚ and the Organization of Social Life. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion‚ 11(1):1–15.
Davidson‚ James D. (1975). “Glock’s Model of Religious Commitment: Assessing Some Different Approaches and Results.” Review of Religious Research 16:83–93.
El-Menouar‚ Yasemin. (2014). The Five Dimensions of Muslim Religiosity. Results of an Empirical Study. methods‚ data‚ analyses‚ 8(1)‚ 53-78 DOI: 10.12758/mda.2014.003
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