ISEL- College Version

ISEL- College Version
 Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (ISEL)
This scale is made up of a list of statements each of which may or may not be true about you.  For each statement we would like you to circle probably TRUE (PT) if the statement is true about you or probably false (PF) if the statement if not true about you.
You may find that many of the statements are neither clearly true nor clearly false.  In these cases‚ try to decide quickly whether probably true or probably false is most descriptive of you.  Although some questions will be difficult to answer‚ it is important that you pick one alternative or the other.  Remember to circle only one go the alternatives for each statement.
Please read each item quickly but carefully before responding.  Remember that this is not a test and there are no right or wrong answers.
Tangible scale
1.  I know someone who would loan me $50 so I could go away for the weekend.
2.  I know someone who would give me some old dishes if I moved into my own apartment.
3.  I know someone who would loan me $100 to help pay my tuition.
4.  If I needed it‚ my family would provide me with an allowance and spending money.
5.  If I wanted a date for a party next weekend‚ I know someone at school or in town who would fix me up.
6.  I know someone at school or in town who would bring my meals to my room or apartment if I were sick.
7.  I don't know anyone who would loan me several hundred dollars to pay a doctor bill or dental bill.
8.  I don't know anyone who would give me some old furniture if I moved into my own apartment.
9.  Even if I needed it m family would (or could) not give me money for tuition and books.
10.  I don't know anyone at school or in town who would help me study for an exam by spending several hours reading me questions.
11.  I don't know anyone at school or in town who would loan me their car for a couple of hours.
12.  I don't know anyone at school or in town who would get assignments for me from my teachers if I was sick.
Belonging scale
1.  There are people at school or in town who I regularly run with‚ exercise with‚ or play sports with.
2.  I hang out in a friend's room or apartment quite a lot.
3.  I can get a date who I enjoy spending time with whenever I want.
4.  If I decided at dinner time to take a study break this evening and go to a movie‚ I could easily find someone to go with me.
5.  People hang out in my room or apartment during the day or in the evening.
6.  I belong to a group at school or in town that meets regularly or does things together regularly.
7.  I am not a member of any social groups  (such as church groups‚ clubs‚ teams‚ etc.)
8.  Lately‚ I often feel lonely‚ like I don't have anyone to reach out to.
9.  I don't have friends at school or in town who would comfort me by showing some physical affection.
10.  I don't often get invited to do things with other people.
11.  I don't talk to a member of my family at least once a week.
12.  I don't usually spend two evenings on the weekend doing something with others.
Appraisal Scale
1.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about problems I might have budgeting my time between school and my social life.
2.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about any problems I might have adjusting to college life.
3.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about sexually transmitted diseases.
4.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about any problems I might have meeting people.
5.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable discussing any sexual problems I might have.
6.  I know someone who I see or talk to often with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about any problems I might have with drugs.
7.  There isn't anyone at school or in town with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about any problems I might have with making friends.
8.  There isn't anyone at school or in town with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about any problems I might have getting along with my parents.
9.  There isn't anyone at school or in town with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about difficulties with my social life.
10.  There isn't anyone at school or in town with whom I would feel perfectly comfortable talking about my feelings of loneliness and depression.
11.  I don't know anyone at school or in town who makes my problems clearer and easier to understand.
12.  Lately‚ when I've been troubled‚ I keep things to myself.
Self Esteem Scale
1.  Most people who know me well think highly of me.
2.  Most of my friends think that I'm smart.
3.  Most of my friends don't do as well as I do in school.
4.  I will have a better future than most other people will.
5.  Most of my friends have not adjusted to college as easily as I have.
6.  Most people think I have a good sense of humor.
7.  I don't feel friendly with any teaching assistants‚ professors‚ campus or student officials.
8.  Most of my friends are more satisfied or happier with themselves than I am.
9.  Most of my friend are more popular than I am.
10.  Most of my friends are more interesting than I am.
11.  Most of my friends have more control over what happens to them than I.
12.  Most people are more attractive than I am.
سایت روان سنجی : مقیاس از منبع زیر اخذ شده است .
 Primary Reference:
Cohen‚ S.‚ Memelstein‚ R.‚ Kamarck‚ T.‚ & Hoberman‚ H. (1985). Measuring the functional components of social support. In I.G. Sarason & B. Sarason (Eds.)‚ Social support: Theory‚ research and application (pp.73-94). The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff.
ISEL-College scoring
For clarity‚ each subscale is listed separately.  The scale presented to subjects consists of all 48 items listed in random order.  For each scale‚ the first 6 items are written so that a "true" response indicates support‚ while for the second 6 items a "false" response indicates support.
 To score:  A response of "Probably true" scores one and a response of "Probably false" scores zero.  For items 7-12 of each subscale as listed‚ the scores must be reversed.  The item scores can then be summed across each subscale and a total scale score can then be obtained.