Self-Efficacy—Teen Conflict Survey

Self-Efficacy—Teen Conflict Survey
Bosworth & Espelage‚1995
مقیاس خود کارآمدی
1. Stay out of fights?
2. Understand another person’s point of view?
3. Calm down when you are mad?
4. Talk out a disagreement?
5. Learn to stay out of fights?
سایت روان سنجی : McKenzie M. Lewis در پایان نامه کارشناسی ارشد خود، با عنوان PARENTAL CONFLICT‚ ANGER CONTROL‚ AND DATING VIOLENCE PERPETRATION OUTCOMES
پرسش پنجم را به شرح زیر ارائه کرده است.
Have temper outbursts you cannot control?
These items measure an individual’s confidence in his or her ability to control anger and resolve conflicts nonviolently.
کلید واژه
·         Self-Esteem/Efficacy
·         Career and Vocational
چگونگی دستیابی
This instrument can be found on page 140 of Measuring Violence-Related Attitudes‚ Behaviors‚ and Influences Among Youths: A Compendium of Assessment Tools‚ available online at: .
اجرا و نمره گذاری
Point values are assigned as follows:
Very confident = 5
Somewhat confident = 4
Unsure = 3
Not very confident = 2
Not at all confident = 1
Scores are calculated by summing all responses. Possible range is 5 to 25‚ with higher scores indicating more confidence.
Bosworth K‚ Espelage D. Teen Conflict Survey. Bloomington‚ IN: Center for Adolescent Studies‚
Indiana University‚ 1995. (Unpublished)
سایت روان سنجی : همه آگاهی های ابزار از نشانی داخل متن و نشانی زیر گرفته شده است. قالب HTML از سایت روان سنجی است.