Oral Health Locus of Control Scale

Oral Health Locus of Control Scale
Rosita Brown Long (2007)
مقیاس منبع کنترل بهداشت دهان و دندان
1. Think about the past year‚ have you had any of the following?
(check all that apply)
... Sensitive Teeth
... Loose Teeth
... Bleeding Gums
... Bad Breath
... Swelling Inside Mouth
... Sore Jaw
... Difficulty Chewing
... Burning Sensation in Your Mouth
... Tartar Build-up
... Toothache
... Filling Fell Out
... Abscess
... Yellowing Teeth
... Sore Gums
... Dry Mouth
... Swollen Face
... Difficulty Swallowing
... Pain (general area of mouth or jaw)
... Dissatisfaction with Appearance of Teeth
... Worry about area in mouth or about teeth
... Any Other (oral/dental only)
2. Have you EVER had any of the above dental problems at any time during your life? ... Yes ... No
3. Are you ha‎ving any of the above problems today? ... Yes ... No
4. Think about the past year‚ have you done any of the following: [check all that apply].
... Looked in the mirror to check an area of your mouth
...  Took Over-the-Counter pain medicine for an oral health problem
... Asked a friend or family member to check an area of your mouth
... Talked to a friend or family member about a specific oral health problem
... Had increased stress‚ worry‚ or anxiety about your gums‚ teeth‚ or mouth
... Chose soft foods to eat as a substitute to prevent oral pain or discomfort
... Got more rest because of a oral health problem
... Took medicine prescribed by the Dentist
... Carried out self-care the dentist told you to do
... Made a follow-up visit to another medical provider because of a specific oral health problem (e.g.‚ oral surgeon‚ internal medicine‚ cardiac specialist)
5. Most days of the past week I did the following: [check all that apply].
... Flossed between my teeth
...Used Mouthwash
... Brushed my teeth
... None of these choices
... Brushed my tongue
... Ate hard vegetables or fruits like carrots‚ pears‚ apples‚ celery‚ Etc.
...Used a tooth pick ...
6. In the past year‚ how many times would you estimate you made a dental professional (hygienist or dentist) visit? (Check only one)
... None ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 or more
7. In the past year‚ how many visits to a dental professional (hygienist or dentist) were only so that you could get sealants‚ whitening‚ cleaning‚ fluoride treatment‚ or a general checkup? (check only one)
... None ... 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... 4 ... 5 ... 6 ... 7 ... 8 or more
Please check the box that best describes how you feel about each of the statements that follow. (check only one box for each statement)
1= Strongly Agree‚ 2= Moderately Agree‚ 3= Agree‚ 4= Disagree‚ 5= Moderately Disagree‚ 6= Strongly Disagree
8. If you don’t have your dental health you don’t have anything.
9. There are many things I care about more than my dental health.
10. Good dental health is only of minor importance in a happy life.
11. My dental health is highly important compared to other things in my life.
12. When I have a problem with my dental health‚ I first call the dental office.
13. If I take care of myself I can avoid problems with my teeth and gums.
14. If I have a dental problem(s)‚ other than an injury‚ it will be because of something I’ve done or not done.
15. I think good teeth and gums are largely a matter of heredity.
16. No matter what I do‚ I’m likely to have dental problems.
17. If you have bad dental health when you are young‚ there is little more you can do.
18. I think just about everybody loses teeth as they get older.
19. Dental problems happen because of personal neglect.
20. I am directly responsible for keeping my teeth and gums healthy.
21. I control the condition of my teeth and gums.
22. Regarding my dental health‚ I do only what the dental professionals tell me to do.
23. ha‎ving regular contact with my dental professionals is the best way for me to avoid dental problems.
24. My family plays a big part in my dental health recovery.
25. Dental professionals are responsible for keeping my teeth and gums healthy.
26. The care I receive from dental professionals is the main reason for how well I recover from dental problems.
27. Luck probably plays a big part in how soon I recover from my dental problems.
28. Most things that affect my dental health happen because of luck.
29. There is a direct connection between going to the dentist and good dental health.
30. There is little I can do to avoid dental problems.
31. A lot of things that affect my dental health are out of my control.
32. How soon I recover from dental problems usually depends on me alone.
33. Poor dental health is unavoidable.
34. Dental health happens mostly because of luck.
35. ha‎ving good dental health can only happen by listening to dental professionals.
36. My dental health can only be good if I take the right actions myself.
37. Sometimes I take the advice of family and friends in caring for my teeth and mouth.
38. I take oral health and disease seriously enough to act on my own knowledge.
39. Most dental problems can be helped by making visits to the dental office.
40. If most people in my family have good oral health‚ it means I should‚ too.
41. When I think of oral health problems‚ I’m just lucky things are not worse.
42. If I don’t visit my oral health provider regularly‚ then my oral health will probably get worse.
43. Sometimes I find my own new ways to take better care of my teeth and mouth.
44. I learned growing up how to take care of my teeth and mouth for good oral health.
45. My oral health depends solely on the way I take care of myself.
46. Dental problems happen in spite of everything I try to do to avoid them.
47. I make the decision whether to have good oral health or not.
48. Without the work of dental professionals to care for my teeth and gums‚ I couldn’t have good oral health.
49. In this day of modern dentistry‚ everyone should have good oral health.
50. Some people were just born to have good oral health.
The next section asks you about your overall health. Please answer each of the following questions thinking about your overall physical and mental health and NOT just about your oral health. (check only one box for each statement
51. If I get sick‚ it’s my own behavior that determines how soon I get well again.
52. No matter what I do‚ if I am going to get sick‚ I will get sick
53. ha‎ving regular contact with my physician is the best way for me to avoid illness.
54. Most things that affect my health happen to me by accident.
55. Whenever I don’t feel well‚ I should consult a medically trained professional.
56. I am in control of my health.
57. My family has a lot to do with my becoming sick or staying healthy.
58. When I get sick‚ I am to blame.
59. Luck plays a big part in determining how soon I will recover from an illness.
60. Health professionals control my health.
61. My good health is largely a matter of good fortune.
62. The main thing that affects my health is what I myself do.
63. If I take care of myself‚ I can avoid illness.
64. Whenever I recover from an illness‚ it’s usually because other people (for example‚ doctors‚ nurses‚ family‚ friends) have been taking good care of me.
65. No matter what I do‚ I’m likely to get sick.
66. If it’s meant to be‚ I will stay healthy.
67. If I take the right actions‚ I can stay healthy.
68. Regarding my health‚ I can only do what my doctor tells me to do.)
Locus of Control for Oral Health (LOCOH) Internality Scale (Final)
1= Strongly Agree‚ 2= Moderately Agree‚ 3= Agree‚ 4= Disagree‚ 5= Moderately Disagree‚ 6= Strongly Disagree
1. If I take care of myself I can avoid problems with my teeth and gums.
2. If I have a dental problem(s)‚ other than an injury‚ it will be because of something I’ve done or not done.
3. Dental problems happen because of personal neglect.
4. I am directly responsible for keeping my teeth and gums healthy.
5. I control the condition of my teeth and gums.
6. My dental health can only be good if I take the right actions myself.
7. I take oral health and disease seriously enough to act on my own knowledge.
8. I learned growing up how to take care of my teeth and mouth for good oral health.
9. My oral health depends solely on the way I take care of myself.
10. I make the decision whether to have good oral health or not.
Locus of Control for Oral Health (LOCOH) Chance Scale (Final)
1= Strongly Agree‚ 2= Moderately Agree‚ 3= Agree‚ 4= Disagree‚ 5= Moderately Disagree‚ 6= Strongly Disagree
1. No matter what I do‚ I’m likely to have dental problems.
2. If you have bad dental health when you are young‚ there is little more you can do.
3. I think just about everybody looses teeth as they get older.
4. Luck probably plays a big part in how soon I recover from my dental problems.
5. Most things that affect my dental health happen because of luck.
6. There is little I can do to avoid dental problems.
7. A lot of things that affect my dental health are out of my control.
8. Poor dental health is unavoidable.
9. Dental health happens mostly because of luck.
10. When I think of oral health problems‚ I’m just lucky things are not worse.
11. Dental problems happen in spite of everything I try to do to avoid them.
Locus of Control for Oral Health (LOCOH) Powerful Others Scale (Final)
1= Strongly Agree‚ 2= Moderately Agree‚ 3= Agree‚ 4= Disagree‚ 5= Moderately Disagree‚ 6= Strongly Disagree
1. Regarding my dental health‚ I do only what the dental professionals tell me to do.
2. ha‎ving regular contact with my dental professionals is the best way for me toavoid dental problems.
3. My family plays a big part in my dental health recovery.
4. Dental professionals are responsible for keeping my teeth and gums healthy.
5. The care I receive from dental professionals is the main reason for how well Irecover from dental problems.
6. There is a direct connection between going to the dentist and good dental health.
7. ha‎ving good dental health can only happen by listening to dental professionals.
8. If I don’t visit my oral health provider regularly‚ then my oral health willprobably get worse.
9. Without the work of dental professionals to care for my teeth and gums‚ Icouldn’t have good oral health.
10. Most dental problems can be helped by making visits to the dental office.
Oral Health Value Scale (OHV) - Final
1= Strongly Agree‚ 2= Moderately Agree‚ 3= Agree‚ 4= Disagree‚ 5= Moderately Disagree‚ 6= Strongly Disagree
1. There are many things I care about more than my dental health.
2. Good dental health is only of minor importance in a happy life.
3. My dental health is highly important compared to other things in my life.
سایت روان سنجی : مقیاس منبع کنترل بهداشت دهان و دندان از رساله دکترای روزیتا براون لانگ استخراج شده است. برای آگاهی بیشتر نشانی زیر را ببینید.
Rosita Brown Long
Candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
آذر 1402
خرداد 1396
اسفند 1395
فروردین 1394
خرداد 1393
فروردین 1393
اسفند 1392
بهمن 1392
آذر 1390
تیر 1390
خرداد 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
اردیبهشت 1390
بهمن 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
اردیبهشت 1389
آبان 1388
شهریور 1388
مرداد 1388
تیر 1388
خرداد 1388
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