Treatment Motivation Questionnaire TMQ

The Self-Regulation Questionnaires
Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ)
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Related Scales
Treatment Motivation Questionnaire
Ryan‚ Plant‚ and O'Malley (1995) were the first to use the SDT approach to study motivation for "entering treatment." In their study of alcoholics‚ some participants had been mandated by the courts to attend the treatment program. Thus‚ there was an important set of reasons for participating that is not present in most settings where people are trying to behave in healthier ways or participating in health-related treatment. The scale they developed was referred to as the Treatment Motivation Questionnaire (TMQ)‚ and the Treatment Self-Regulation Questionnaire (TSRQ) was subsequently derived from it. The original TMQ was also used in one other study‚ namely a study of people attending a methadone clinic (Zeldman‚ Ryan‚ & Fiscella‚ 1999).
The TMQ has two motivation factors: (a) internal-‎-which includes both introjected and identified items; and (b) external-‎-which is merely external items. The reason for this different alignment is clearly that the external reasons were so much imposed from the outside-‎-were so coercive-‎-that the two types of internal motivation
were more similar than introjection was to identification; whereas in the more typical settings in which the TSRQ is used‚ the introjection items are closer in psychological meaning to external regulation than they are to identification. Theoretically‚ this is not surprising because external regulation is on one side of introjected regulation on the self-determination continuum while identified regulation is on the other side. Furthermore‚ the TMQ has two other subscales‚ formed factor analytically: a Help Seeking subscale and a Confidence in Treatment subscale.
The TMQ Scale
This questionnaire concerns people's reasons for entering treatment and their feelings about treatment. Participation is voluntary‚ so you do not have to fill it out if you don’t want to. Different people have different reasons for entering treatment‚ and we want to know how true each of these reasons is for you. Please indicate
how true each reason is for you‚ using the following scale:
not at all
A. I came for treatment at the clinic because:
1. I really want to make some changes in my life.
2. I won't feel good about myself if I don't get some help.
3. I was referred by the legal system.
4. I feel so guilty about my problem that I have to do something about it.
5. It is important to me personally to solve my problems.
B. If I remain in treatment it will probably be because:
6. I’ll get in trouble if I don’t.
7. I’ll feel very bad about myself if I don't.
8. I’ll feel like a failure if I don't.
9. I feel like it's the best way to help myself.
10. I don't really feel like I have a choice about staying in treatment.
11. I feel it is in my best interests to complete treatment.
C. Rate each of the following in terms of how true each statement is for you.
12. I came to treatment now because I was under pressure to come.
13. I am not sure this program will work for me.
14. I am confident this program will work for me.
15. I decided to come to treatment because I was interested in getting help.
16. I'm not convinced that this program will help me stop drinking.
17. I want to openly relate with others in the program.
18. I want to share some of my concerns and feelings with others.
19. It will be important for me to work closely with others in solving my problem.
20. I am responsible for this choice of treatment.
21. I doubt that this program will solve my problems.
22. I look forward to relating to others who have similar problems.
23. I chose this treatment because I think it is an opportunity for change.
24. I am not very confident that I will get results from treatment this time.
25. It will be a relief for me to share my concerns with other program participants.
26. I accept the fact that I need some help and support from others to beat my problem.
References concerning the TMQ
Ryan‚ R. M.‚ Plant‚ R. W.‚ & O’Malley‚ S. (1995). Initial motivations for alcohol treatment: Relations with patient ch‎aracteristics‚ treatment involvement and dr‎opout. Addictive Behaviors‚ 20‚ 279-297.
Zeldman‚ A.‚ Ryan‚ R. M.‚ & Fiscella‚ K. (1999). Attitudes‚ beliefs and motives in addiction recovery. Unpublished manuscript‚ University of Rochester.
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The Motivation for Therapy Scale
The TSRQ has been adapted by Pelletier‚ Tuson‚ and Haddad (1997) for motivation for psychotherapy. Contact Luc G. Pelletier‚ University of Ottawa (e-mail: for further information about it.
Pelletier‚ L. G.‚ Tuson‚ K. M.‚ & Haddad‚ N. K. (1997). Client Motivation for Therapy Scale: A measure of intrinsic motivation‚ extrinsic motivation‚ and amotivation for therapy. Journal of Personality Assessment‚ 68‚ 414-435.
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